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Shop Kayaks and Gear

Recreational, Light Touring, and Expedition Kayaks from Delta Kayaks

Kayak Paddles from Werner Paddles

Paddle Specific Personal Flotation Devices from Kokatat, Astral Designs, NRS, and Mustang Survival

Spray Skirts
Kayak Sprayskirts from Seals, Delta, and Immersion Research

Paddling Specific Clothing Including Wetsuits, Paddle Jackets, Hoods, and Neoprene Tops/Bottoms

Safety and Rescue
Paddling Specific Safety and Rescue Gear Including: Bilge Pumps, Paddle Floats, Tow Lines, Whistles, Lights, and Helmets

Paddling Specific Gloves and Pogies from NRS, Glacier Glove, and Immersion Research

Cockpit Covers
Cockpit Covers for Kayaks from Delta and Seals

Storage and Transportation
Storage Racks, Wheels, Straps, Locks, and Roof Racks for Kayaks.

Wetshoes and Footware
Paddling Specific Footwear

Farmer John and Jane Wet Suits from NRS and Deep Sea

Outfitting & Repair
Kayak and Drysuit Repair Materials and Accessories

Kayak Specific Maps from SeaTrails

Hatch Covers
Neoprene Hatch Covers for Necky and Mariner Kayaks. SeaLect Designs Hatch Covers

Dry Storage
Dry Bags, Phone Cases, Map Cases, and other Dry Storage Items

Gift Cards
Physical Gift Cards Sent by Mail

Gift Ideas
Gift Ideas for Paddlers

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